About us

Established in 2009, we are continuously expanding our drive in the development, production and sales of joint implant systems. We use the Atesos logo (acronym for Advanced Te chnical Solutions by specialists for patients) as a guide.

As an independent, completely self-financed company, we are only committed to our customers. This means that we can always put people – as patients, customers, partners or employees – at the center of our decisions and our actions.

After entering the German market in 2010, Switzerland in 2011 and Italy in 2011, the product range has been continuously expanded. Cemented solutions, special instruments and devices to support minimally invasive access are now part of our product range and much more to come.

Atesos has its own logistics center in Germany since 2015, which serves customers all over the EU market. This helps dramatically to improve our customer responsiveness for our clients and for our trading partners.

We create added value for doctors and patients through meaningful innovations.